

(Rangifer tarandus)

Size: 4-5 ft. Weight: 500+ lb. Color: Greyish, and brown with white on the neck and back areas.
Distinguishing Characteristics: 3 ft. antlers

  • Habitat:
    Range: Throughout the arctic tundra of Russia, Alaska, Canada and Greenland.
  • Although the caribou looks like a deer, they are different from other members of their family in many ways. They are not too shy (unless in common hunting area), they are capable of sleeping in water, and are herd animals that are always on the move. This tamable animal likes to eat moss caribou eat moss called lichen (lie-Ken) that takes years to grow back.When not eating the lay back it the shade.
  • Caribou are wild, if they are domesticated they are called reindeer. Eurasians do not use the common name caribou at all, they use the terms wild and domestic reindeer.